When we surfing a web page, we always have to install another S/W to watch a multimedia contents. So, we decided to develop a No plug-in type's multimedia S/W without installing another S/W.

    JulyNet Co., Ltd. has been researching and developing computer-based technologies, such as multimedia related technologies, Internet communication, video conference, and ATM, since 1994.  From 1996, JulyNet was able to accumulate technologies of media encoding/decoding, media distribution processing, media synchronization, VOD, JAVA technologies, and internet/intranet, and from 1997, JulyNet had developed related technologies more based on experiences that acquired by carrying out projects on remote lecture system, medical diagnosis system, GIS, and VOD etc.

    In July 1997, JulyNet set a concept of no plug-in type's July products with accumulated technologies and in August it started to research and develop a media streaming technology and synchronization based on media features accompanying with researching on a related market.

    At last, in February 1998, JulyNet developed a July Core Engine, and in November JulyNet participated 1998 Comdex which was held in Las Vegas with July Prototype. The response on July Prototype was higher than we expect in the Comdex and it was sure enough to have confidence on our productsÆ potential possibility.

    JulyNet developed July MOD Development Toolkit (JMDK), which is a software development tool based on JAVA, in January in 1999 for the first time in the world.

    JMDK has excellent extensibility and portability since its components are made up of individual classes and can be combined with distributed system environments most optimally because it was developed based on pure JAVA.

    Moreover, by synchronizing text, image and HTML easily comparing to a traditional basic VOD concept, JMDK can create MOD applications unlimitedly.

    Based on JMDK technology, JulyNet developed non-plug type VOD for the first time in Korea in February 1999.  

    In March, JulyNet commercialized JSlide, a new idea article advertisement and presentation software, that is manufactured to minimize disadvantages of article purchase and damages done to consumer, to maximize advertisement efforts of suppliers and to synchronize images, text, audio in real time effectively.  JulyNet also commercialized JBanner, a new web advertisement presentation software, that is able to insert web advertisements unlimitedly even in a small space by showing several advertisements in a same place in order.

    In April, JulyNet commercialized JMotion that is provide tools that enable to check information on items in detail by rotating images by 360 degrees and support functions of zooming and moving devices.  Also it is possible to experience virtual reality by rotating and turning images with JPanorama.

    In May, JulyNet commercialized the JAudio, a real time audio, which plays music as soon a PC is connected to Internet even with a 14.4k modem.

    In September, JulyNet developed July, an authorized tool for July 1.5 to make multimedia contents and put on a market.

    In the future, JulyNet intends to develop a video-authorizing tool of JVideo Plus that supports the format of media player and real network and JulyNet intends to mount the format of MPEG4 by developing a decoder and encoder for MPEG4.  Further, JulyNet is planning to transform July 1.5 authorizing tool to new tool which makes users create multimedia contents directly on a web.

    In 21st century, new business models will be quickly appeared in the market by the help of strong Internet's boom. ASP(Application Service Provider) that provide an outsourcing service of business model will be main in the business computing in the future by using new style network technologies.

    Thus, JulyNet provide a new system that user enable to create a 3D etc by July 1.5 on a web and to publish a web site user wants.

    Thus, JulyNet will try to be a leading company in developing and progressing an ASP technologies field on the basis of JAVA.

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